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  • To provide a medium for the exchange of information relative to Human Resource policies and practices and to stimulate and develop its members in their profession.

  • To promote high standards of professional ethics, conduct, education and achievement.

  • To improve the effectiveness of the Human Resource function in the healthcare facilities located in the State of South Dakota.

  • To create the capacity for forward-thinking by encouraging collaboration and innovation to ensure HR’s role at the Strategic table within the organizations they serve.


The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and education purposes as a not-for-profit association.  It shall be so conducted so that no part of its income or earnings will inure to the benefits of any member, director, officer, or other individual.  Upon dissolution, any assets of the Association shall be distributed to an organization enjoying an exempt status under S501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or Successor Statutory Authority.



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